Happy Winter Solstice Everyone!
This is a time of transformation, and movement (finally! I know some of you are breathing a sigh of hope and relief). It has been a long, and sometimes difficult, journey to this point… so many have been waiting, some avoiding, most doing their best to understand and transform any issues, scars, and obstacles. You have been working hard, and if you have not already begun to see positive results – you will soon. We have stepped through a doorway, and the future is different – it is brighter, a bit easier. The changes may be subtle, or dramatic, but they will be there. As always, I am here to help you if you need me.
There are a few things I want to share with you…
~~ First is a wonderful, short video from Humanity Healing (www.humanityhealing.org). I stumbled across it, loved it, and thought it a beautiful way to honor you, the solstice, and the transition to the new year. The name of the video is “Intention: Aware & Awake”, the url is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFPDrBCXnE
~~ Pepper Lewis offers an inspiring and informative article (“Making the Most of Your Spiritual Toolbox”) at: http://www.thepeacefulplanet.com/library/toolbox.php
~~ Many of you ask me about meditation, and about the energy of different stones.
~ For a ton of information on meditation, visit: http://www.meditationiseasy.com/index.htm
~ Heaven and Earth Jewelry offers the metaphysical properties of many stones at:
I wish each and every one of you a brilliant 2010!!
In Love, Light & Peace,
Stacey Osder